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We are long-term investors, with a fiduciary duty to be responsible stewards of our clients’ capital. We consider this responsibility in a holistic sense. Investment returns and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) concerns are not separate entities – they are intertwined. Sustainability is an integral part of our investment process.

We assess whether a business will continue not only to exist but will also thrive in the future. We seek to understand whether a business we are considering investing in is doing anything that could potentially threaten its long-term existence.

Far-sighted and fair-minded

At Skerryvore we believe the best companies in emerging markets are amongst the best companies anywhere in the world. They are solid and enduring, far-sighted for tomorrow and fair-minded towards people and places today. Their leaders avoid the expediency and short-termism that accentuates risk and undermines absolute returns in the long run. We exist to shine a light on those good quality companies capable of withstanding the tests of time.

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